I am Diana Mutum (Mutum is a palindrome :D), a happy go lucky girl
with a soft spot for Photography. I am a self-taught amateur
photographer who is passionate about anything interesting that a still photo
can capture. I grew up admiring the inspiring photos from the National Geographic
magazines that my father use to subscribe and now I want to build my own
library of great still photos.
One of my favourite past times besides
photography is ogling at new gadgets and I have collected a few cameras along
the way.
I am sure a lot of us have heard this
comment, “Wow great picture, your camera must be really good!!”How many times
have people commented on your photos that were actually quite decent? So the
question is whether it is your CAMERA or YOU that took that fabulous picture. This
starts my journey to find out whether it is the device or the creativity of a
photographer for those resulting pictures. I had started this blog, pegasus2you.com about four and a half years
ago not knowing what to start with and currently, I am hoping that I will fill
this blog with my journey with photography and my own revelation to the above
Anyways that's me for the mean time
and I will leave you with a favourite phrase of mine "Live and let